We are a premier provider of electronic components and spare parts, specializing in global sourcing and supply chain management solution.

Brokerage + Statement

Over time, the practice of brokerage law has evolved to become more transparent and professional. While the fundamental principles have remained unchanged, we strive to work harder and make the trading process more efficient for our clients. We are dedicated to providing faster turnaround times and going above and beyond in our efforts, compared to other traditional suppliers.


We offer direct access to the cost benefits of sourcing from Europe, Asia & North America.
Prices can vary significantly depending on the product and manufacturer, but we have the
expertise to identify the most favorable options and handle any related issues efficiently.


TME utilizes a range of strategies to help customers lower costs without sacrificing quality.
These include working with global, audited manufacturers, accessing high-performance
component databases, and drawing on our extensive experience in the field. By leveraging
these resources, we are able to offer our customers the best prices and maximum savings.


In manufacturing, even small disruptions in the supply chain can lead to costly production
delays and damage customer trust. By focusing on proactive management of material
availability, we can help prevent these disruptions and ensure continuous production. Our
goal is to provide the fastest and most efficient support to our customers to minimize the risk
of production stops.


“Our company specializes in delivering cutting-edge technology for destroying databases,
with an emphasis on providing the most secure data security solutions. Our in-house
technology guarantees peace of mind and reliable service. Our truly portable solutions,
manned by personnel with MoD security clearance, can be deployed in any location and
offer the only CPNI-approved in-premises data destruction service, eliminating the risk of
sensitive data leaving your secure site.”

Supply Chain

Whether you’re looking for direct cost savings on your material purchases or a simplification of your procurement processes, we have the systems and experience to deliver the right solution for your business.

Add this to Supply Chain statement . TME also provides a range of supply chain solutions including component kitting, vendor reduction, Asian sourcing of bespoke items such as PCBs, cable assemblies, etc., plus management of assembly to streamline key processes and reduce waste.


By understanding each customer’s manufacturing processes and utilising
advanced BOM management software, we are able to provide production ready
kits, eliminating shortages whilst minimising waste.


By understanding each customer’s manufacturing processes and utilising
advanced BOM management software, we are able to provide production ready
kits, eliminating shortages whilst minimising waste.


A flexible approach combined with many years of supply chain experience
enable us to deliver bespoke solutions including consignment stock and


TME works seamlessly with a small number of approved partners to provide a
wide range of manufacturing services including PCB assembly and box build for
prototypes through to mass-production.

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