Customer satisfaction is key to our success. We are committed to providing only the highest quality products to our customers. As a distributor and procurement specialist, we go above and beyond to ensure that all of the products we offer meet our rigorous standards for quality. We understand the importance of protecting our customers against inferior products, and that’s why we have implemented strict quality processes in all of our operations. Rest assured that when you choose TME, you are choosing a reliable and trustworthy source for all of your electronics needs.


At TME we endeavour to fulfil all your requirements while upholding uncompromising quality, delivering products and services that surpass your expectations.


At TME, we are steadfastly committed to ensuring the highest standards of product quality, reliability, and safety for our customers. To uphold this commitment, we have formulated a comprehensive Component Counterfeit Avoidance Policy designed to mitigate the risks associated with counterfeit components entering our supply chain.


This policy encompasses all stages of the product lifecycle, from design and procurement to manufacturing and delivery.


  1. Prevention: We strive to prevent the entry of counterfeit components into our supply chain by implementing stringent supplier vetting processes and utilizing reliable sources for procurement.
  2. Detection: We employ advanced inspection, testing, and authentication techniques to identify any suspected counterfeit components promptly.
  3. Mitigation: In the event that a counterfeit component is identified, we have established protocols for immediate removal and replacement, followed by a thorough investigation to trace the source and prevent recurrence.


  1. Supplier Evaluation: We carefully assess and select suppliers based on their adherence to anti-counterfeit measures, quality control systems, and industry certifications.
  2. Traceability: We maintain robust records of component sources, transaction histories, and relevant certifications to facilitate traceability and authenticity verification.
  3. Component Verification: All components undergo meticulous inspection and testing to ensure conformity to specifications and authenticity.
  4. Training and Awareness: Our personnel receive regular training on counterfeit identification techniques and the importance of adhering to the policy.
  5. Continuous Improvement: We consistently review and enhance our anti-counterfeit measures in response to evolving industry practices and emerging threats.


Procurement: Responsible for sourcing components from authorized distributors and manufacturers.
Quality Assurance: Oversees component inspection, testing, and authentication procedures.
Engineering: Ensures that design and production processes are aligned with anti-counterfeit measures.
Compliance: Monitors adherence to the policy and relevant regulations.

Reporting and Non-Compliance: Any instance of suspected counterfeit components must be reported immediately to the Quality Assurance department. Non-compliance with the policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

Conclusion: Our Component Counterfeit Avoidance Policy stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering uncompromising quality and reliability to our valued customers. By upholding these principles, we ensure that our products maintain the highest standards of authenticity and performance, free from the risks associated with counterfeit components.


Counterfeit parts is a major industry problem that needs to be addressed. TME is committed
to providing high-quality products and services to its clients, which include some of the
world’s leading medical and electronic suppliers. Our goal is to protect our clients from the
risks of purchasing and supplying fraudulent or counterfeit parts by implementing rigorous
quality processes and testing. We understand the importance of ensuring that the parts we
supply meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.


As a UK-based company, we understand the importance of adhering to the latest
regulations regarding the disposal of Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment
(WEEE). We specialize in the responsible recycling of IT assets and are fully
accredited to dispose of WEEE at Approved Authorized Treatment Facilities.
Not only do we help our clients dispose of their redundant or defective IT hardware in
an environmentally friendly manner, but we also offer an Asset Recovery Program
that enables us to extract value from old or defective material and return revenue
back to our clients. In this way, we can help our clients reduce their carbon footprint
while also complying with the latest WEEE legislation.

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